Do you see yourself and your life in a way that inspires, excites and exhilarates you?

Are you confident, standing in your strength and feeling great about your life?

If you feel yourself shrink in the face of life’s challenges, make yourself small to fit into some role, or keep your mouth shut when you want to speak out, there is a solution! And the solution already exists inside of you. You only need the directions to find it.

Embark on a proven 10-week transformational process to support you to:

  • Embrace vulnerability and open your heart.

  • Find authentic self-expression and the courage to say “No!” and set boundaries.

  • Learn to accept all of who you are—your histories, flaws, misgivings, and weaknesses.

  • Avoid the pitfalls of fear and insecurity.

  • Discover the strength, power, and freedom of the courage that has been present in you all along.

  • Step out of your comfort zone and become unrecognizable.

  • Realize that you have the power to accomplish anything.

If you are ready to transform weakness to strength, insecurity to trusting, and fear to faith and experience a new kind of courage and confidence that will propel you into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future, then Courage Coaching is for you.


10 weekly coaching sessions done over the phone from anywhere in the world


Based on Debbie Ford’s book Courage: Overcoming Fear and Igniting Self-Confidence

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